- ens pot ajudar a fer el resum anual per l’assemblea en quant a l’ús de l’àgora Yearly Review | Discourse - Civilized Discussion . Què fa: On January 1st, Yearly Review creates a topic summarizing and highlighting the last year’s community activity. Yearly Review highlights both members and topics. The member section includes Most Time Reading, Most Topics Created, Most Replies Created, Most Replied to, Most Likes Given, Most Likes Received, and Most Visits. The topic section includes Most Read, Most Liked, Most Replied to, Most Popular, and Most Bookmarked.
marcar més clarament la resposta correcta (pot ser útil si un fil es torna molt sorollós i la gent vol saber la resposta correcte) en Plugin de marcar com a resolt? O una etiqueta/tag de resolt?
- suport latex Math | Discourse - Civilized Discussion
- fer alguns gràfics Graphviz | Discourse - Civilized Discussion
- chat integration (podríem provar-ho amb matrix, la integració es basa en poder enviar notificacions i poc més) podríem jugar/experimentar a fer alguna integració senzilla Chat Integration | Discourse - Civilized Discussion ( és bastant limitat Discourse Chat Integration - plugin - Discourse Meta )